10 Proven Ways: Are Shopify Tags Used for SEO in 2023?

Ever felt like you’re missing out on a secret SEO weapon?

Like there’s a hidden gem in the Shopify universe that everyone’s raving about, but you’re still in the dark?

Yeah, we’ve all been there.

You might be thinking, “Is there some magic trick to boost my store’s SEO that I’m just not getting?” Well, guess what? You’re not alone, and those feelings? Totally valid.

We’ve all had those late-night Google searches, trying to decode the mysteries of Shopify tags and their role in SEO.

And the burning question on everyone’s mind: “Are Shopify tags really the game-changer for SEO in 2023?”

Well, buckle up, because we’re diving deep into this topic. We’re about to unravel the 10 proven ways Shopify tags are shaping the SEO landscape this year.

Ready to have your mind blown and those nagging questions answered? Let’s begin.

1. Decoding Shopify Tags: Unveiling the Basics

Ever browsed an online store and noticed those little labels on products? Yep, those are Shopify tags. They’re like those sticky notes you slap on your fridge, reminding you of what’s inside.

But here’s the twist: in the world of Shopify, these tags do more than just label.

They’re a powerful tool that can influence your store’s search results. Imagine typing “vintage leather boots” in a store’s search bar and getting precisely that.

That’s tags in Shopify working their magic.

Are Shopify Tags Used for SEO

2. SEO and Tags: The Power Duo for Visibility

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.

How do these tags impact your search engine optimisation (SEO)?

Think of your online store as a bustling city and search engines as tourists. These tourists rely on signboards (tags) to navigate. The clearer your signboards, the better they’ll find their way.

So, when you optimise your tags, you’re essentially making your city more tourist-friendly. 

And guess what? 

Happy tourists (search engines) mean more visibility for your store in search results.

SEO and Tags The Power Duo for Visibility

3. Crafting Perfect Tags: A Blueprint for Success

Alright, so you’re sold on the idea of tags. But how do you make them work for you?

First off, be specific. If you’re selling a “red velvet cake,” tag it as such, not just “cake.”

Remember the time you searched for a specific product and ended up sifting through pages of unrelated items? Frustrating, right?

Specific tags prevent that. Also, integrate keywords from your product descriptions and blog posts. It’s like connecting the dots for your customers, leading them straight to what they want.

Crafting Perfect SEO Tags A Blueprint for Success on Shopify

4. Tag Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

Here’s a curveball: tags can lead to duplicate content issues.

Shocking, right? Let’s say you’ve tagged a product under both “summer wear” and “beach wear.”

Now, if search engines spot the same product under different tagged collections pages, they might get confused. 

It’s like telling our tourists two different routes to the same destination.

Confusing, isn’t it? So, while tags are fab, they need a strategy.

an ecommerce website owner working on Shopify and tagging products

5. Harmonising Tags with SEO: A Symphony of Success

Tags are just one piece of the puzzle.

Your page titles, meta tags, and even meta descriptions play a role. Think of them as teammates in a relay race, passing the baton to one another.

For instance, if a specific product is tagged “vintage,” make sure your meta description or page content echoes that.

It reinforces the message to search engines, making your online store more discoverable.

Are Shopify Tags Used for SEO

6. Tags and User Joy: Crafting Seamless Browsing

Ever been to a well-organised store where everything’s easy to find? Bliss, right?

That’s what tags do for your online store. They organise products, making browsing a breeze.

And when customers find what they want quickly, they’re more likely to stick around. It’s a win-win!

SEO Tags and User Joy Crafting Seamless Browsing on shopify website

7. SEO Hiccups with Tags: Navigating Potential Pitfalls

Now, here’s a hiccup. Sometimes, tags can create content issues.

For instance, if you’ve got the same tag on multiple products, search engines might see it as duplicate content. It’s like singing the same chorus repeatedly in a song.

Gets a bit monotonous, right?

But fret not! There’s a fix. Using ‘rel canonical‘ can tell search engines which page to prioritise, nipping the issue in the bud.

Are Shopify Tags Used for SEO

8. Success Stories: Real-world Triumphs with Tags

One of the sites we work on is Hayes & Finch, a church supplier and candle manufacturer.

Initially, they struggled with visibility when they first implemented Shopify as their content management system. They had a good amount of direct traffic from their existing customers. But not much business from new customers.

Once we optimised their tags, integrated them with meta descriptions, and addressed duplicate content issues, their traffic started to soar!

It’s like we found the magic formula to make search engines fall in love with them. The increasing visibility on Google is below, and their average position on Google is below that since July 2021.

The % of revenue gained from their website went from 5% of total revenue to 15% within six months.

Another example is Shearer Candles.

The candle manufacturer migrated to Shopify in February 2023. After an initial dip in February, we updated the tagging in Shopify to optimise the site for our primary and secondary keywords.

Visibility on Google soared, and from February 2023 to September 2023 ‌revenue increased by 46% Year-on-Year.

Are Shopify Tags Used for SEO
Are Shopify Tags Used for SEO
Shopify SEO tags

9. Future of Shopify Tags in SEO

The digital world’s ever-evolving, and so is the role of tags. With advancements in AI and machine learning, who knows how tags will shape SEO in the future?

Maybe they’ll predict what customers want before they even search. Exciting, right?

Right now, you can use Shopify apps, like Tag Genie, to help you manage tags across your site easily.

Future of Shopify Tags in SEO

10. Actionable Steps to Optimise Your Shopify Tags in 2023

Ready to up your tag game? Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Be specific with your tags.
  • Integrate keywords from product descriptions and blog posts.
  • Address potential duplicate content issues.
  • Use ‘rel canonical’ to guide search engines.
  • Regularly review and update your tags.
Actionable Steps to Optimise Your Shopify Tags in 2023

11. The Role of Analytics in Shopify Tags Optimisation

Analytics, ever heard of it? Of course, you have! It’s like the heartbeat monitor for your online store.

And when it comes to Shopify tags, analytics is your best pal. Why? Because it tells you what’s working and what’s as useful as a chocolate teapot.

Imagine launching a new product and tagging it as “summer essential.” A month down the line, your analytics show a spike in traffic for that tag.


But what if there’s a dip? Maybe it’s time to rethink that tag or delve deeper into what’s going awry.

And here’s a pro tip: don’t just rely on gut feel.

Dive into tools that give you hard data. How are your tagged products performing in search results? Are they leading to conversions or just window shopping?

It’s like checking the temperature before heading out. You wouldn’t wear shorts in a snowstorm, right?

Similarly, use analytics to tailor your tagging strategy, making sure it’s in sync with what your audience wants.

Are Shopify Tags Used for SEO

12. Shopify Tags vs. Collections: A Comparative Analysis

Alright, pop quiz! What’s the difference between Shopify tags and collections?

Scratching your head? You’re not alone.

It’s a common mix-up, kinda like confusing muffins with cupcakes. Both yummy, but not quite the same.

Collections are like the aisles in a supermarket, grouping similar products. So, you might have a collection page for “beachwear.”

Tags, on the other hand, are more specific. Within that “beachwear” collection, you could have tags like “bikinis,” “flip-flops,” or “sundresses.”

Now, here’s the kicker: while both help organise products, their impact on SEO can differ.

Collections are great for broader searches, but tags?

They’re your secret weapon for niche, specific product searches. It’s like casting a wide net with collections and using a fishing rod for tags.

Both effective, but in different scenarios.

Are Shopify Tags Used for SEO

13. The Impact of Mobile SEO on Shopify Tags

Ever tried reading a novel on a postage stamp?

That’s what it feels like when online stores aren’t optimised for mobile.

And with most of us glued to our phones, mobile SEO is no longer optional; it’s a must.

Now, here’s where Shopify tags come into play.

On smaller screens, clarity is key. Your tags need to be spot-on, leading users straight to what they’re looking for.

No one wants to pinch, zoom, and swipe endlessly. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

So, make sure your tags are mobile-friendly, concise, and, most importantly, relevant to the search queries of those on-the-go shoppers.

The Impact of Mobile SEO on Shopify Tags

User Testimonials and Feedback

Ever bought something because a friend raved about it? That’s the power of testimonials. And when it comes to Shopify tags, feedback from fellow store owners can be gold.

Sarah, a budding entrepreneur, shared, “I was skeptical about tags. But once I optimised them based on customer searches, my sales shot up!”

Then there’s Raj, who admitted, “I overlooked tags, focusing only on ads. Big mistake. Once I got my tagging game right, organic traffic poured in.”

See, real-life experiences can offer insights that no textbook can. So, why not learn from those who’ve been there, done that? It’s like getting a sneak peek into their playbook.

Are Shopify Tags Used for SEO

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) around 'Are Shopify Tags Used for SEO?'

Got questions? We’ve got answers!

Why are Shopify tags important for SEO?

Think of them as signposts, guiding search engines to your products. The clearer they are, the better your visibility.

Can I use the same tags for different products?

Sure, but be wary. Overdoing it can lead to duplicate content issues. It’s like overusing a catchphrase. Gets old, right?

How often should I review my tags?

Regularly! SEO is ever-evolving. It’s like fashion; you’ve got to keep up with the trends.

What’s the difference between meta tags and Shopify tags?

Meta tags are behind-the-scenes, giving search engines info about your page. Shopify tags? They’re more customer-facing, helping them navigate your store.

What are Shopify tags used for?

Shopify tags are like digital sticky notes, helping organise products and enhance searchability within your store. They streamline the shopping experience!

Are Shopify tags the same as keywords?

Not quite! While both guide searchability, keywords target search engines, and Shopify tags help categorise items within your store.

Do tags help in Shopify?

Absolutely! Tags enhance product discoverability, making it easier for customers to find what they’re craving.

Does Shopify have built-in SEO?

Yes! Shopify offers built-in SEO features, but it’s always a good idea to optimise further for stellar results. There are great apps to help, too, like SmartSEO.

Are product tags good for SEO?

You bet! When used right, product tags can boost SEO by improving product visibility and relevance.

What is the difference between tags and collections in Shopify?

Tags are specific labels on products, while collections group similar products together. Think of tags as ingredients and collections as recipes!

Should I use keywords as tags?

It’s a smart move! Using relevant keywords as tags can enhance product searchability both within and outside your store.

Where do I put keywords for SEO?

Sprinkle them in product descriptions, meta tags, page titles, and URLs. It’s like seasoning a dish to perfection!

Are Shopify tags the same as keywords?

Not always. While they can overlap, tags are more for internal categorisation, and keywords target external search traffic.

Can you automatically tag customers on Shopify?

Yes, with the right apps and tools, you can auto-tag customers based on specific criteria. Magic, right?

How do I automate tags in Shopify?

There are nifty apps in the Shopify store that can help you set rules and auto-tag products or customers. Automation for the win!

Does Google Tag Manager work on Shopify?

Indeed! You can integrate Google Tag Manager with Shopify to track and manage website tags seamlessly.

Is SEO better on WordPress or Shopify?

Both have their perks. While WordPress offers more flexibility with plugins, Shopify’s built-in SEO features are pretty robust for e-commerce.

How do I optimise SEO for Shopify?

Start with keyword-rich product descriptions, optimise meta tags, use relevant product tags, and provide mobile responsiveness. And voila!

What is the best SEO tool for Shopify?

There are several, but tools like SEO Manager and Plug-in SEO come highly recommended by many Shopify store owners.

What is the use of product tags?

Product tags help categorise, organise, and enhance the discoverability of items within your online store. Think of them as your store’s GPS!

How do I use tags and collections in Shopify?

Use tags to label specific product attributes and collections to group similar products. It’s like sorting candies by flavour and then by colour!

How important are product tags?

Super important! They not only improve product searchability but also enhance the overall user experience.

What are tags used for in e-commerce?

In e-commerce, tags help categorise products, making it easier for customers to browse and find what they’re looking for. It’s all about that smooth shopping experience!

Remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question. If it’s on your mind, it’s worth asking!

The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Tag Optimisation

Ready for a glimpse into the future?

With AI and machine learning, tag optimisation is entering a new era. Imagine tags that auto-adjust based on search trends or predict what a customer might search for next.

Sounds like sci-fi, right? But it’s closer than you think.

These technologies analyse vast amounts of data, spotting patterns we mere mortals might miss. 

So, in the not-so-distant future, your tags might just get a techy upgrade, making your search engine optimisation even more…well, optimised!

Are Shopify Tags Used for SEO

Navigating the Tagged Path Ahead

We get it. The world of SEO can sometimes feel like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded.

You might be thinking, “Is all this tag fuss really going to make a difference for my store?” Heck yes, it will! And you’re not alone in this.

Every Shopify store owner or marketer has been at this crossroads, wondering if they’re missing out on some secret sauce.

But here’s the silver lining: you’ve just unlocked a treasure trove of strategies and tools.

From understanding the nitty-gritty of Shopify tags to leveraging the power of AI for tag optimisation, you’re now armed with knowledge that can propel your store to new heights.

Picture this: a future where your products pop up at the top of search results, where customers effortlessly find what they’re looking for, and where your sales charts are off the roof. Feels good, right?

So, as you stand on the brink of this exciting journey, remember that every big change starts with a single step.

And with the insights you’ve gained today, you’re not just stepping forward; you’re leaping!

Ready to make some waves in the Shopify universe? We believe in you. Now, go out there and show the world what you’ve got!

two people sitting in their business officestrying to solve tagging challenges

What are your next steps with your Shopify SEO?

If you need help with your Shopify SEO, we can help you get the right people to your website.